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Something affecting everyone the world over, is trying to stay stress-free during the Coronavirus Rollercoaster of 2020. This however, is easier said than done, with lockdown restrictions, financial worries and health concerns at the top of peoples' worry list.
Do not underestimate the power of managing your stress levels as research has shown that it will help your body fight off infections. The stress hormone corticosteroid (cortisol) weakens the immune system by reducing your number of white blood cells (which fight off infection) leaving you more vulnerable to viruses and chronic disease.
There are fortunately several easy ways to reduce stress levels from your own home. Read on for tips and helpful video links
(What do you mean breathe? Of course I breathe!) It seems obvious that breathing is just something our bodies do naturally, but most of us don’t realise that deep breathing is our secret weapon in fighting the negative effects of stress. The bonus is that you can do it while relaxing on your sofa! Throughout the day whatever you are doing; working from home, at your workplace, housework, childcare, wherever you may be, take 5 minute breaks to focus on doing some deep belly breathing to help reduce anxiety and stress. Close your eyes and just holding your stomach and breathing slowing and deeply will help you to feel more peaceful and helps keep our body in a more alkaline state – which is better for immune health. Deep breathing also reduces blood pressure and decreases cortisol in the body. Take a look at these videos to get started:
Try to do some exercise to boost mood and circulation each day. It doesn't have to be a full gym workout - find something fun that keeps you fit and active and gets your cheeks red. It could be dancing around your home to an energetic song, a brisk walk around your block or in the park or some stretches on the floor in your room.
Run yourself an Epsom Salt bath in the evening or if you are short on time, you can make yourself a foot bath. 15 minutes is all you need as a minimum. The two main ingredients of Epsom salt are magnesium and sulfate (MgS04). Although there is limited scientific research, it is believed the combination of both ingredients stimulates detoxification pathways. Magnesium is a natural substance that helps a variety of bodily functions, including the removal of toxins. Sulfate can strengthen the walls of the digestive tract and make releasing toxins easier. Some report that Epsom salts help to ease their constipation. Healthy magnesium levels can also boost brain neurotransmitters that are responsible for promoting sleep and reducing stress. Magnesium may also promote melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone. Epsom salts are also great for relaxing tire, aching muscles and may alleviate a headache or migraine. Be careful not to use if you have an open wound or a severe burn. If you do have an open wound, consult a doctor or dermatologist before use.
This can be different for everyone. Sit down and have a cup of tea, cook your favourite meal or try a new recipe, watch a show on Netflix, take a nap, talk to friends and family on the phone or videochat, or practise one of your hobbies.
Despite this being one of the most challenging times in history, research has proven that giving thanks and practicing gratitude for everyday simple things we often take for granted can help us gain perspective and calm. This can be things such as sleeping in a warm, clean comfy bed, plenty of hot water to make tea or have a bath, books to read, the ability to be able to read, being able to get out and walk around, or having friends and family that love us. Just spending a few moments each day to acknowledge these things and feeling love and gratitude for them are shown to support positive mental wellbeing.
We hope these tips help you in some way and do email us to let us know what you have found helpful to de-stress during this year!
You can also follow us on Facebook @youphorbeenaturals and Instagram @youphorbee_naturals
Have a great day everyone!
To your best health, naturally.
YouPhorBee Naturals
Having trouble sleeping or feeling anxious? Why not try YouPhorBee Natural's De-Stress Me Powder or Electuary? Easy and delicious to take in a tea before sleep. 10% off your first order - check out the link below.